Thanks, I was just wondering if hk2 has any kind of public backlog. There
are a many features/bugs I've run into and its not clear whether they're
being tracked or not. Stuff like the ability to correctly identify the
classloader of components, ability to use of javax.inject.Provider instead
of hk2's custom Factory interface, ability to use @Nullable instead of
@Optional,support for interceptors would be really nice.
On Jan 3, 2014 1:12 AM, "cowwoc" <> wrote:
> On 03/01/2014 12:58 AM, buko wrote:
>> Discovered another case where hk2 is silently suppressing an
>> exception/hiding it behind another exception. Each time this happens it's
>> pretty frustrating because a good chunk of time must be spent debugging the
>> container trying to figure out what, if anything it's doing.
>> In this case I created a Factory implementation that throws a
>> RuntimeException from the Factory#provide() method. (It's not clear, BTW,
>> why Factory#provide() doesn't allow an exception to be thrown.) The
>> exception boils up to Cache#compute(final K key). The
>> catch(ExecutionException ex) block then rethrows the exception to
>> SingletonContext#findOrCreate catch(RuntimeException re) block. This method
>> rethrows the exception in a MultiException and calls
>> RuntimeException.getCause(). MultiException(Throwable th) ctor requires
>> that Throwable not be null but it does not check that condition. It just
>> assumes it and the result is a NullPointerException that very effectively
>> hides the underlying exception. If MultiException simply did a check it
>> might raise a more informative error that preserves the stack trace. It's
>> also not clear why SingletonContext#findOrCreate doesn't preserve the
>> runtimeException and instead chooses to unwrap it by calling
>> RuntimeException.getCause().
>> One issue to get around this would be better logging. hk2 seems to do
>> little logging that doesn't provide much insight into what's happening or
>> what went wrong.
> Very good detective work! I suggest filing a bug report and sharing it
> with the mailing list:
> Gili