Re: JIRA components/versions

From: John Wells <>
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 14:28:25 -0500

I will ask Romain, our resident expert on that sort of thing.

On 12/5/2013 2:13 PM, cowwoc wrote:
> Hi,
> I noticed that your JIRA instance does not have any real components or
> version numbers. It's a bit confusing when filing bug reports.
> Is it possible for you to either add components/versions or remove the
> field so users aren't asked to fill it in? I know that the field is
> optional, but you can configure JIRA to omit it altogether.
> Alternatively, if you add components/versions then you should probably
> make the field mandatory to fill in.
> I can help if you're not sure how/where to configure this.
> Gili