I have an web application with the following libraries:
- grizzly 2.2.18
- jersey 1.18.3
- jackson 1.9.13
The application uses 3 ports: one for HTTP, another one for HTTPS, and
the third one for LongPolling Requests (COMET)
The application is connected to a MySQL instance.
Currently, for every customer, I have an own grizzly server instance,
connected to its own MySQL schema. (All on one physical server)
My question now is:
Are there any perfomance disadvantages compared to having one grizzly
server for all customer, but still
connecting to different MySQL schema?
Or is it even better?
If multiple grizzly instances have worse performance compared to only
one, I have to think about redesigning
this part of the application.
Can you please answer my question and give advice?
Thank you & Best Regards,
Wolfgang Reichert
ITL Software GmbH
Am Mühlgraben 6
D-63927 Bürgstadt
Tel.: 09371-9793-10
Mobil: 0170-8327769
E-Mail: w.reichert_at_itlsoftware.de
WWW: www.itlsoftware.de