Re: RoundRobinConnectionDistributor useDedicatedAcceptor

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 13:20:09 -0800


I think using dedicated acceptor is common practice in production
However for some cases, when you don't expect connection to
connect/disconnect much - you can share acceptor to not waste a thread.
So effectively you'll have:

4 core - 4 selectors
8 core - 8 selectors
24 core - 24 selectors



On 09.12.14 03:46, Daniel Feist wrote:
> Hi,
> Just a very quick question on this. Was wondering if there was any
> data, or if any tests had been performed on the impact of using (or
> not) a dedicated acceptor. I know jetty's model is to use dedicated
> acceptors(s), but I'm unsure of the value of doing this.
> One potential disadvantage with this option that occured to me is on
> hardware with large number of cores, when using a selector per core,
> you may have a situations where the ratio of acceptors vs selectors is
> low.
> 4 core - 1 acceptor, 3 selectors
> 8 core - 1 acceptor, 7 selectors
> 24 core - 1 acceptor, 23 selectors.
> thanks,
> Dan