RoundRobinConnectionDistributor useDedicatedAcceptor

From: Daniel Feist <>
Date: Tue, 9 Dec 2014 11:46:21 +0000


Just a very quick question on this. Was wondering if there was any
data, or if any tests had been performed on the impact of using (or
not) a dedicated acceptor. I know jetty's model is to use dedicated
acceptors(s), but I'm unsure of the value of doing this.

One potential disadvantage with this option that occured to me is on
hardware with large number of cores, when using a selector per core,
you may have a situations where the ratio of acceptors vs selectors is

4 core - 1 acceptor, 3 selectors
8 core - 1 acceptor, 7 selectors
24 core - 1 acceptor, 23 selectors.
