Re: grizzly timeouts

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2013 12:19:06 -0800

Hi Paul,

On 19.12.13 11:31, Sprague, Paul wrote:
> Hello grizzly users I have a few questions.
> 1)
> TCPNIOTransport has readTimeout and writeTimeout fields, when (if
> ever) should these be used? I noticed they are not part of
> the TCPNIOTransportBuilder so I'm curious what they are for.
This is used when we read or write in blocking fashion. Fixing javadocs...

> 2)
> Why does TCPNIOTransportBuilder have fields serverSocketSoTimeout
> and clientSocketSoTimeout but neither are set on the transport that
> gets built. Is this a bug?

> 3)
> Also this is setter in TCPNIOTransportBuilder seems to be broken
> since it is setting the backlog instead of the timeout.
> public TCPNIOTransportBuilder setServerSocketSoTimeout(int
> serverSocketSoTimeout) {
> this.serverConnectionBackLog = serverSocketSoTimeout;
> return getThis();
> }

I filed it here [1]. Will be fixed in the next release.

Please let us know if you find more :)

Thank you.



> Thanks,
> Paul