(no subject)

From: Christopher Piggott <>
Date: Mon, 4 Jun 2012 17:36:10 -0400


I have a two maven projects. One is a webapp that has a LOT of
dependencies (including jersey and guice). The second is an
'executor' that is basically a main() that attempts to start grizzly
and deploy the war. What I'm trying to do is to make a deployable
war, and provide a user with a simple .jar they can run that starts up
and configures Grizzly then deploys said war into it.

It isn't quite working, because it's unable to find the dependencies
that are INSIDE the war. Deploying it yields:

   SEVERE: Unable to load class
   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/Filter

which is in the war in guice-serverlet.3.0.jar.

I tried playing with DeployerServerConfiguration.libraryPath but
couldn't find the right way to do this. In order to work at all, it
seems it would have to explode the war -- I don't think you can simply
have the .war on the classpath, because no class loader that I know of
can load a jar that's inside another jar (or war).

What am I missing here?
