manage timeouts with TCP filter

From: <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 16:23:10 +0000 (GMT)

i'm developing an application using filter chain for protocol
management ( like GIOP example).
I have now some others thinks to ask:
- how to manage timeouts: the problem is that when i write a message in
handleWrite, i receive the ack in handleRead, how i can develop a timer
that fire me if i don't receive ack in a performant way? Is there
something to do this in grezzly? I think that i should use greezzly
thread for timeout.
- Is there a way for filters to listen event? if a timeout fire, i need
to ask to my filter to write a message. How i can do it in Grizzly
- how i can control the number of connections that the server manage?
what i need to set?
