[ANNOUNCE] Grizzly 2.1 Released!

From: Ryan Lubke <>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 14:04:57 -0700

The Grizzly community has released 2.1. Interestingly enough, this was
going to be the first patch release of 2.0, however, since this release
has many new features it was deemed we should go straight to 2.1.

*_2.1 Feature Guide_

    * Apache JServ Protocol
      <>(AJP) Support
      -- We've implemented the AJP protocol support via a pair of
      Filters. If your Grizzly-based HTTP application requires load
      balancing, you can simply add these filters to your FilterChain to
      enable the support. Further documentation can be found here
    * Multipart
      Submission Processing -- This feature allows developers to process
      multipart form requests from a client. Documentation for this
      feature ishere
    * LZMA
      -- While 1.9 included LZMA support for HTTP response compression,
      Grizzly 2.1 supports compression at the core framework level as
      well as bi-directionally within the HTTP framework (documentation
    * WebSockets <>refresh --
      WebSockets support has been updated from -76 to draft 06
      (documentation forthcoming).

In addition to these features, there have been numerous bug and
performances fixes. See therelease notes

We, the community, hope you find this release useful. If you have any
problems with this release, or have some ideas for improvements or new
features, please log an issue asappropriate
<>. Several of the project developers
can also be found on in the*#grizzly*channel. Stop by
and chat.