Re: Documentation efforts for Grizzly 2.0

From: Bongjae Chang <>
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2011 10:07:11 +0900

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for quick fixes.

You are right. I tested images with Firefox 3.6.13 and IE8 unfortunately.

Additionally, I think it will be also good for users if the guide doc will
be able to be provided by all in one page as well as pdf. And it will also
be useful for users if FAQ doc which I haven't found will be able to be
provided in the future, if possible. :)

Bongjae Chang

On 11. 2. 16. 오전 4:01, "Ryan Lubke" <> wrote:

>Thanks for taking the time to review!
>I've fixed the typos you've found.
>Regarding the following in the memory management chapter:
> - Figure2.1, Figure2.2 and Figure2.3 don't have images.
>It seems some browsers don't support compressed svg images.
>I've converted the images to straight svg.
>However, for all of the other sections where you weren't able to
>see the images, I am able to do so on the following browsers:
> - Firefox 4.0b11
> - Chrome 10.0.648.45
> - Safari 5.0.3 (6533.19.4)
>However, it seems svg support on Firefox 3 isn't quite as good.
>I haven't tested IE, but I'm guessing it's probably in the same boat
>as FF3.
>I'm working on converting our svg images to png, but in some cases
>the translation isn't quite as good, so it may take me a little time.
>On 2/14/11 10:09 PM, Bongjae Chang wrote:
>> Hi Ryan,
>> I read the documentation simply and I found some typos.:-)
>> Here is my trivial review.
>> ================
>> *
>> - HTP Server framework which offers high level abstractions to the HTTP
>> protocol (not unlike Servlets)
>> --> HTTP Server framework ...
>> *
>> -
>> --> empty page
>> - http://blogs.sun/com/rlubke
>> -->
>> *
>> - Grizzly 2.0 introduces a new subsystem to inprove memory mamangement
>> within the runtime. This subsystem is comprised of three main artifacts:
>> --> Grizzly 2.0 introduces a new subsystem to improve ...
>> - Figure2.1, Figure2.2 and Figure2.3 don't have images.
>> *
>> public interface IOStrategy {
>> boolean executeIoEvent(Connection connection, IOEvent ioEvent)
>> throws IOException;
>> }
>> -->
>> public interface IOStrategy extends WorkerThreadPoolConfigProducer {
>> boolean executeIoEvent(final Connection connection, IOEvent ioEvent)
>> throws IOException;
>> }
>> *
>> - I couldn't see diagram images on this page.
>> *
>> - I couldn't see images on this page.
>> - The event initiator may chose to emit the event upstream or downstream
>> by FilterChain like:
>> --> The event initiator may choose to ...
>> *
>> In Asynchronous FilterChain execution's sample code.
>> ----
>> public NextAction handleRead(final FilterChainContext ctx) throws
>> IOException {
>> final NextAction suspendActipn = ctx.getSuspendAction();
>> ...
>> return suspendActipn;
>> }
>> ----
>> -->
>> ----
>> final NextAction suspendAction = ctx.getSuspendAction();
>> ...
>> return suspendAction;
>> ----
>> *
>> - Figure4.1 doesn't have a image.
>> *
>> - this page doesn't have images.
>> ================
>> I didn't file a issue in JIRA(
>> I think these are trivial issue.
>> I hope this comment would help you.
>> Thanks.
>> Regards,
>> Bongjae Chang
>> On 11. 2. 15. 오전 11:43, "Ryan Lubke" <> wrote:
>>> Hey Folks,
>>> We're following up on our original message about the documentation
>>> efforts for Grizzly 2.0.
>>> I'm happy to report that we've made decent progress on this effort,
>>> however, before Grizzly 2.0
>>> goes final, it would be great if the community could review the
>>> documentation [1] in an effort
>>> to find errors or offer suggestions on how to improve it.
>>> Please log any bugs/suggestions on JIRA [2] using the documentation
>>> component
>>> and we'll address them as quickly as possible.
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> On 9/2/10 10:43 AM, Ryan Lubke wrote:
>>>> Hey Folks,
>>>> In our Grizzly meeting two weeks ago, we decided that documentation
>>>> should be a primary goal for the initial 2.0 release.
>>>> We think that creating this documentation using LaTeX or Docbook will
>>>> provide a lot of benefit as far as how we can distribute the
>>>> documentation (online, bundled, etc).
>>>> We'd like to poll the community on topics they would like to see
>>>> covered in addition to the items I've listed below:
>>>> - core framework
>>>> - http framework
>>>> - web container framework
>>>> Keep in mind, that we still need to start our outlines of what we
>>>> think should be covered in these areas, so once we've gathered
>>>> feedback we can incorporate the changes and produce the final outlines
>>>> for review.
>>>> Once the outlines are approved, we can being writing the documentation
>>>> in earnest.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> -rl
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