Alexei Dets wrote:
> Hi!
> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> based on the great feedback you just provided.
> Hey, I can give even more feedback if you like it! ;-)
> For me the biggest annoyances of the current Grizzly API are completely
> different ways of handling client vs server events and HTTP protocol
> implementation that doesn't work together with
> ParserProtocolFilter/ProtocolParser (I'd really like to be wrong on this).
Can you elaborate? Do you means you would have liked to be able to add
an HttpProtocolFilter instead of using the current
GrizzlyWebServer/SelectorThread API? Then once this filter got added you
would have liked to add your own ProtocolFilter than could process the
decoded HTTP?
> But these are major things that should probably wait for Grizzly-2.0. I
> admit I never looked at it yet :-(
It is implemented as I described above in 2.0, but we will probably keep
the current HTTP API as well.
> But there is a minor thing that can be changed easily: IMHO
> TCPSelectorHandler.connect method should be public. The reason being the
> 100% asynchronous application that implements both client and server
> doesn't really need ConnectorHandlers: SelectorHandler (TCPSelectorHandler)
> already has the required functionality, ConnectorHandlers just complicate
> the things (i.e. they need to be released).
Interesting. In that case you will just use a CallbackHandler to
manipulate the transaction. I think we can allow that but some of
features the current ConnectorHandler offer will not be included (like
configuring the socketChannel properly), and the final steps for
completing the connect operation. We just need to properly document the
method I guess. Can you file an RFE here:
I will try to include it in 1.9.18.
>> If you
>> can, just checkout the 1.9.18 release from svn, build it and let me know
>> if you are still seeing issue.
> I've tried it and it works in its default settings! :-) Thanks!
-- Jeanfrancois
> Alexei
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