Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> based on the great feedback you just provided.
Hey, I can give even more feedback if you like it! ;-)
For me the biggest annoyances of the current Grizzly API are completely
different ways of handling client vs server events and HTTP protocol
implementation that doesn't work together with
ParserProtocolFilter/ProtocolParser (I'd really like to be wrong on this).
But these are major things that should probably wait for Grizzly-2.0. I
admit I never looked at it yet :-(
But there is a minor thing that can be changed easily: IMHO
TCPSelectorHandler.connect method should be public. The reason being the
100% asynchronous application that implements both client and server
doesn't really need ConnectorHandlers: SelectorHandler (TCPSelectorHandler)
already has the required functionality, ConnectorHandlers just complicate
the things (i.e. they need to be released).
> If you
> can, just checkout the 1.9.18 release from svn, build it and let me know
> if you are still seeing issue.
I've tried it and it works in its default settings! :-) Thanks!