>> No, the issue which I'm wondering about is that threadB might not see
>> the new instance of CountDownLatch and get null when it tries to read
>> the isConnectedLatch field at line 597, since lack of synchronization.
> But threadB could call the finishConnect method only after we set the
> OP_CONNECT interest in threadA. And we set that interest after
> CountDownLatch initialization.
True, but due to lack of sync-ing, you cannot reason about the order
of which the JVM will make data visible to other threads.
I'm pointing to what is explained here for example:
(or on other pages if you google for 'reoder java memory model'
I might be wrong, but the code in TCPConnectorHandler doesn't
look safe at first glance. Maybe there is some hidden mecanism to
ensure visibility which I don't see. That's why I'm asking.