Re: gateway nio migration guide to grizzly part2

From: Survivant 00 <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2008 09:36:07 -0400


I wanted to use Grizzly when I had to migrate a old gateway at my job, but I
didn't use NIO before, and I didn't just want to copy/paste code, I wanted
to know what I was doing. So I started my application using pure NIO
(blocking), and after that NIO nonblocking.. and the last step is pure

and I wanted to create the code a simple as possible but still simulate a
real application. Most of the time you see Hello world sample, but they are
completed useless in readworld context.

and I want to create a complete guide after that.. explaining why I write
the line x in my code. I hope that will be used for people starting with
nio and grizzly.

I guess it could be a bad thing because you parsing and processing your
query on the main selector thread.
Depends on how long this parsing and processing takes....


That's my in the demo_v2 I use Queue to fastest the process. As soon the
query is parsing, it,s added to a queue to be process by another thread.

by I guess the next step was to use threadpool.

so I should change the code there :

// Check if a message has been sent
                    if (selKey.isValid() && selKey.isReadable()) {
                        ClientConnectionHandler connectionReader =
              ; ****** put that in a
thread pool ?

2008/6/16 John ROM <>:

> Hi,
> If I understand you right you are preparing an tutorial in the following
> way:
> 1) You first want to show code which does NIO without Grizzly
> 2) You then want to migrate the code to Grizzly and show where Grizzly
> helps.
> >>> another question.. I did'n use ThreadPool in my application.. is it a
> bad thing ?
> I guess it could be a bad thing because you parsing and processing your
> query on the main selector thread.
> Depends on how long this parsing and processing takes....
> Of course a ThreadPool like used in Grizzly out of the box would help
> improve Concurrency
> many greetings
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