Need Kickstart on How-to HTTPS with PUReaderFilter and Servlet

From: John ROM <>
Date: Tue, 27 May 2008 13:05:23 +0200

Hello maybe somebody can give me a quick kick start.

I have setup an system which works perfectly with http.

I have an com.sun.grizzly.standalone.servlet.ServletLauncher
which handles bytes to an JnlpDownloadServlet

I have overridden the configureAdapter(SelectorThread) method and
add an PUReaderFilter.

If bytes are not http the PUReaderFilter forwards to
another ProtocolChain which handles the custom protocol.

if bytes are http the PUReaderFilter forwards to an FilterChainProtocolHandler and the Servlet gets called.

So I have http and the custom protocol all on one port and am really happy!!

Now I want to also enable https.

So I don't have much time today and so
just tried
to override com.sun.grizzly.standalone.StandaloneMainUtil
and in createSelectorThread(String args[])
I create an SSLSelectorThread and give it
SSLConfig sslConfig = new SSLConfig();
URL keystoreUrl = cl.getResource("mykeystore.ks");
if (keystoreUrl != null) {
SSLConfig.DEFAULT_CONFIG = sslConfig;

and a new JSSEImplementation()

But the code is not working.
Maybe the PUReaderFilter is causing problems?

What do I have to do to have a Servlet (and Portunification) handle https?

Many Greetings

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