From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 17:34:43 +0100

Hi Sebastien,

> How do I create a Basic server (like your echoserver) that will
> accept multiples connections made from non NIO clients (like telnet) ?
It doesn't matter. Server can work with TCP or UDP clients regardless
the way they implemented.

> I will like to have the blocking and non blocking option (for our
> legacy gateways, they wait until a timeout).
Grizzly works currently in non-blocking mode in other words uses NIO,
which provides better performance for bigger amount of clients and
better scalability.
> The gateways are connected to the markets (TXS, Bloomberg..) and the
> volumes of trades received is pretty high. My objective is to
> create a template gateway that will received incomming connections
> and just replace the default connector by one different depending of
> the market feed.
It means gateway will work as load balancer and redirect requests to
different points depending on there loading? In other words gateway
will work as proxy between client and target market points?
Are you planning to parse incoming messages on server side or you just
need to redirect them?
I just want to understand better how gateway should process requests.

In any case, think, it should be enough easy to build some proxy like



> Anyone can help me to start ?
> merci Sébastien