[Q] Adding delays to protocol filter

From: Simon Trudeau <>
Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2008 16:39:13 -0500

I want to test the performance of my application. To do so, I intend on
building an Echo server with delay. Basically, once my request reaches
my server, I want to delay (simulate response processing) the sending of
a response. My first guess is to wrap the content of the execute method
of the EchoFilter inside a callable and have it executed by a scheduled
executor. Is that thread safe?


What happens to the context object if another packet arrives from the
same connection while my server is waiting to send back the response?


The issue I want to simulate is a fast producer (client), slow consumer


Can I just wrap


public boolean execute(Context ctx) throws IOException {

            final WorkerThread workerThread =

        ByteBuffer buffer = workerThread.getByteBuffer();


        if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {

            // Depending on protocol perform echo

            SelectableChannel channel = ctx.getSelectionKey().channel();

            try {

                if (ctx.getProtocol() == Controller.Protocol.TCP) { //
TCP case

                    OutputWriter.flushChannel(channel, buffer);

                } else if (ctx.getProtocol() == Controller.Protocol.UDP)
{ // UDP case

                    DatagramChannel datagramChannel = (DatagramChannel)

                    SocketAddress address = (SocketAddress)


                    OutputWriter.flushChannel(datagramChannel, address,


            } catch (IOException ex) {

                // Store incoming data in byte[]

                byte[] data = new byte[buffer.remaining()];

                int position = buffer.position();





                        "Exception. Echo \"" + new String(data) + "\"");

                throw ex;





        return false;



Inside a callable and execute it from a Schedule Executor or are there
states that will be messed up (the context maybe...?). What do you



