finding query when reading blocking socketChannel

From: Survivant 00 <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:10:01 -0400

I have a question. I'm trying to read a SocketChannel for the first time,
and I want to validate if I'm doing the reading part correctly. Any
comments are welcome.

I want to read the socket into a buffer(10) (it's for debugging purpose) and
loop until a find the string [eoq] or when the max buffer length is 50. If
the string is not found, I copy the line into a buffer and continue to read.

My socket is blocking. I want to create a sample with blocking and after
that non-blocking. (just to be able to understand how it works)

    protected SocketChannel f_socketChannel;
    protected int limitBB = 50;
    protected CharsetDecoder asciiDecoder = Charset.forName
    protected ByteBuffer cumulatifBB = ByteBuffer.allocate(10);
    protected ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(10);

    public String getQuery(ByteBuffer buf) throws IOException {

            // Clear the buffer and read bytes from socket

            int numBytesRead =;

            if (numBytesRead == -1) {
                // No more bytes can be read from the channel
            } else {
                // To read the bytes, flip the buffer


                    // faut trouver le pattern [eoq].
                    System.out.println("Remaining=" + buf.remaining());

                    // on remplit le BB cumulatifBB avec le BB buf
                    cumulatifBB = getBB(cumulatifBB, buf);

                    // On lit le buffer cumulatif pour voir si on trouverait
la EOQ
                    ByteBuffer tmp = cumulatifBB.duplicate();

                    // on decode le buffer pour voir si nous avons recu le
                    String msg = asciiDecoder.decode(tmp).toString();

                    System.out.println("msg=" + msg);

                    int index = msg.indexOf("[eoq]");

                        String query = msg.substring(0,index);
                        System.out.println("Query = " + query);

                        // FAUT CONSERVER CE QUI VIENT APRES LE EOQ
                        // on vide le buffer
                        cumulatifBB.put(msg.substring(index +

                        return query;

                    } else {
                        System.out.println("pas de EOQ dans cette

                // DEBUG
                System.out.println(getName() + " is SLEEPING...");
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block


        // nous avons un probleme
        return null;

    public ByteBuffer getBB(ByteBuffer cumulatifBB, ByteBuffer buf){
        // on valide que le buffer n'explosera pas
        if(cumulatifBB.position() + buf.remaining()>=cumulatifBB.capacity
            // on regarde si nous n'avons pas la valeur maximale pour le
            if(cumulatifBB.capacity() + buf.remaining()<limitBB){

                ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(cumulatifBB.capacity() +
                cumulatifBB = bb;

            } else {
                // on avons atteind le maximum, donc on ferme la connection
                System.out.println("BUFFER MAX ATTEIND.. LE CLIENT ENVOYE DE


        cumulatifBB = cumulatifBB.put(buf);

        return cumulatifBB;

public void run() {


            try {
                String query = getQuery(buf);

                System.out.println("QUERY RETURNED = " + query);
                    //processQuery(query); all the work will be done here.

            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Connection may have been closed
                // CLOSE

        System.out.println("QUIT LE CLIENT CONNECTION HANDLER");
