FW: Grizzly Comet hasn't been registered

From: John C. Turnbull <>
Date: Fri, 4 Jan 2008 08:44:04 +1100

Maybe it has something to do with the way I am invoking the servlet. What
is the correct way? These I have tried:






Which (if any) is correct? All produce the same exception.






From: John C. Turnbull []
Sent: Friday, 4 January 2008 07:47
To: ''
Subject: Grizzly Comet hasn't been registered


I am trying to implement the chat example that Jean-Francois used in his
blog but I get this exception in the same place that other people have
reported it in the past (namely cometContext.addCometHandler(handler); in
doPost()) only I have checked that the context used to invoke the servlet is
the same as that in its mapping configuration. I am using the latest


Are there other possible reasons for getting this exception? The servlet
mapping is "/ChatServlet" and the code to register it is:


        contextPath = config.getServletContext().getContextPath() +


The chat.jsp used to invoke the servlet has:



  <iframe src ="/examples/ChatServlet?action=openchat" name="CometChat"
width="100%" scrolling="auto"> </iframe>

  <iframe name="post" src="post.jsp" width="100%" scrolling="no"/>




Any ideas?

