So I think I have my asynch. write setup working correctly once I
started trying to ensure that only a single task was able to do SSL
writes to a single SelectionKey at any one point in time. I've stepped
through the SelectorHandler/ProtocolChain/SSLReadFilter code enough now
that I'm convinced it's only possible for it to do a single read on a
SelectionKey at any one point in time, too.
But now I'm puzzling over a few places in the Grizzly code that are
starting to look strange to me. The main one is this:
In the main loop on Controller.doSelect is this chunk:
if (key.isValid()) {
if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT)
== SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT){
// ... accept-handling stuff
} else if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_READ)
== SelectionKey.OP_READ) {
delegateToWorkerThread = selectorHandler.
} else if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_WRITE)
== SelectionKey.OP_WRITE) {
delegateToWorkerThread = selectorHandler.
} else if ((key.readyOps() & SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT)
== SelectionKey.OP_CONNECT) {
delegateToWorkerThread = selectorHandler.
if (delegateToWorkerThread){
Context context = pollContext(key);
} else {
It looks to me like the (probably unlikely) case where a SelectionKey
has *both* a read-ready and a write-ready state is not handled here. It
looks like OP_READ will *always* win and SelectorHandler.onWriteInterest
will not be called until 1000ms later or the next time the Selector is
being woken up and, only then, if there is not an outstanding OP_READ on
the socket.
I noticed this because when I put my application under significant load
I started building up a significant queue of outstanding write's.
Is this a correct analysis?
-=- D. J.
PS, For details, I implemented my async write handling by having my own
class that overrides TCPSelectorHandler with its own:
public boolean onWriteInterest(SelectionKey key, Context ctx) {
// thread-safe call to set up a latch that prevents calls to
// SelectorHandler.register(key,OP_WRITE) until write task
// has completed.
// disable OP_WRITE on key before submitting to task queue
key.interestOps(key.interestOps() & (~SelectionKey.OP_WRITE));
// submit write task to its own Pipeline
Then in any background tasks I have that post messages to the write
queue, I:
- make a synchronized call into the task handler that sets a
"needsWrite" flag. That call will ONLY be successful if there is
currently a task waiting to start (based on the call to flagWriteReady
above) or if a write task is currently running.
- if the call to set needsWrite was unsuccessful, it makes a call to
SelectorHandler.register(key, OP_WRITE) to make sure the Selector is
woken up and tries to look for OP_WRITE on the key.
- an async write task runs in its own pipeline that does
message-to-bytes encoding and then bytes-to-SSL encoding. At the end of
that task in a finally block, it does an atomic check/reset of the
needsWrite flag and, if so, calls back to SelectorHandler.register(key,
OP_WRITE) to start the process over again.
I haven't yet been able to streamline the logic more than this. It
seems a bit convoluted, but does test correctly now. The unfortunate
side-effect is that it occasionally means that an async write task is
created and started even though the last one actually emptied the write
queue... It's a "safe" operation, but adds unnecessary overhead.