[ANNOUNCE] Grizzly 2.1.9 has been released!

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2012 17:31:48 +0100

Hey Folks,

The Grizzly Team is happy to announce the release of Grizzly 2.1.9!

The artifacts are available on maven central.

Grizzly issues resolved: [1]

Thanks to everyone who provided feedback and/or patches for this release!

As usual, if there are additional suggestions on how to improve Grizzly
going forward,
or if a problem is discovered, please let us know by either logging an
issue [2] or
joining the mailing lists [3] and starting a discussion with the community.

  - The Grizzly Team


Release Notes - grizzly - Version 2.1.9

** Bug
     * [GRIZZLY-1014] - Content-type for files cached in the file cache
is incorrect
     * [GRIZZLY-1069] - Response.reset() should offer similar
functionality as 1.9
     * [GRIZZLY-1158] - UnsupportedOperationException:
     * [GRIZZLY-1173] - sync thread pool is getting overflowed
     * [GRIZZLY-1174] - WS API needs the ability to send ping and pong
     * [GRIZZLY-1177] - MemoryManager, AttributeBuilder, and
SelectionKeyHandler provide default values with the intention of
allowing the default values to be changed.
     * [GRIZZLY-1180] - Websocket upgrade request that is not accepted
by an application is dropped
     * [GRIZZLY-1190] - WorkerThreadPool created when building transport
using SameThreadIOStrategy.
     * [GRIZZLY-1191] - Unable to perform parallel writes using blocking
     * [GRIZZLY-1194] - False-positive result of selector empty-spin checker

** Task
     * [GRIZZLY-1150] - Bring 1.9/2.1/2.2 WS implementations inline with
RFC 6455
     * [GRIZZLY-1171] - Implement Adapters (empty implementations) for
Probe interfaces.