Re: slow Admin Console load time

From: Sudipa Bhattacharya <>
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2010 13:47:03 -0800

On 12/30/10 1:36 PM, Ludovic Champenois wrote:
> On Dec 30, 2010, at 1:31 PM, Sudipa Bhattacharya<> wrote:
>> Harshad, Please file a bug as Nazrul suggested and mark as Blocking .
>> Lidia also had few observations , where she saw 4-5 minutes response time for simple operations in cluster.
>> She also had an observation that more the server is running (1 or 2 days), slower it gets .
> Gui or cli?
GUI only . All these observations are from Console testing .
> Is it new or regression or never tested before?
Hard to say that way . Most times, you install a build, complete testing
and move to next build.
But Lidia thinks she was seeing the problem with Admin security enabled
and since b35 or so.
