grizzly 1.9.19-beta4

From: Justin Lee <>
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 17:34:04 -0400

We released 1.9.19-beta4 this afternoon and integrated into the
glassfish trunk for the 3.1 nightly builds. This build fixes issues
related to async servlets, some port unification updates (mostly
glassfish related), and some NPE issues when running under a security
manager. For more information, see these these issues:

We're getting closer and closer to a final release of 1.9.19 at which
point we'll shift focus more toward 2.0 issues. I'm personally hoping
that 1.9.19 will be the final release we'll have to do for inclusion
into glassfish 3.1 and we can begin focusing almost exclusively on 2.0
development. So please try this release if you can and help us tighten
things down before the final release.