Hi Sebastien,
that fix was required for Glassfish, what it supposed to do - apply
default content type to the HttpResponse, if content-type wasn't
specified explicitly.
So for the chat sample, IMO, it would be enough to specify the content-
type for the response.
If it wouldn't work - pls. let us know.
On Apr 23, 2010, at 3:50 , Sebastien Dionne wrote:
> Hello guy. It has been a long week of trial and error.. but I found
> it.
> the problem is the sample : rest-chat of Atmosphere stop working
> after revision 4419. Work's fine with the 1.9.19-SNAPSHOT (8 april)
> on the repository... but if we take the trunk for grizzly.. it
> stopped working.
> I try my test from this snapshoot.. and all revisions after that..
> and at 4420 it stopped to work.
> look like this bug fix as side effects.
> fix issue https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=11751
> ("loading admin gui alters mime type mappings")
> reviewed by Oleksiy Stashok
> can someone from grizzly take the lead please.
> if you want to test it with atmosphere.. really simple
> download the trunk.
> go in the folder
> extras\spade-server\target
> and start Deployer with this command line :
> java -jar atmosphere-spade-server-0.6-SNAPSHOT.jar -a C:/workspaces/
> workspace_atmosphere/samples/rest-chat/target/atmosphere-rest-chat.war
> http://localhost:8080/atmosphere-rest-chat/index.html
> enter a username for the logging.. press enter
> you shoul see something in the panel..
> if you try with the trunk of grizzly.. it will stall there.. no
> error in the logs. nothing.
> it could be a bug with atmopshere too.. maybe the fact that you fix
> a bug in grizzly, atmopshere will have to adapt.. don't know..
> that's why I'll let you talk with jf.
> thanks and goodnight.
> --
> -------------
> A+
> Sébastien.
> Vous pouvez me suivre sur Twitter / You can follow me on Twitter : http://twitter.com/survivant