Hi Igor,
probably you've already tried that.... anyway
IMO, when you decide to intercept connection to execute sendfile
asynchronously, you can return false from AsyncFilter. This way you'll
be able to keep ProcessorTask, so at time when sendfile will complete
its task - you can register Channel back to the main SelectorThread
and resume connection using saved ProcessorTask.
Please correct me, if something is missed.
> As I mentioned in my previous email, I expect that support for http
> keep-alive (persistent connections) is another major feature that
> could push the performance of grizzly-sendfile even further. I
> believe that with the current grizzly (1.9) api, it is not possible
> for me to get this done, but I might be wrong. In any case, I'd
> appreciate help with either pointing me to the right api or
> discussing changes to grizzly needed in order to make this possible.
> How grizzly-sendfile integrates with grizzly:
> grizzly-sendfile works as an async filter for grizzly, which
> intercepts all the http requests and when it determines that it is
> being requested to download a static file, it deregisters the
> current socket channel from the grizzly's selector, returns from the
> filter and asynchronously does its best to efficiently send the
> requested file to the client and then closes the connection.
> The problem:
> Ending the transmission like this results in non-persistent
> connections (Connection: close), which come with a significant
> performance penalty compared to keep-alive (persistent) connections.
> I'd much rather return the connection back to grizzly and put it in
> its keep alive queue or list, so that it could be reused for future
> transmissions. However because of the async implementation by the
> time when the download is finished, the ProcessorTask that was
> provided to my filter is long gone (recycled, or possibly in use by
> a different request), and the only thing I'm left with is the actual
> socket channel.
> The question:
> Is there a way for me to take a channel and make grizzly accept it
> as a channel that should be monitored for further requests? Or is
> there a better way to integrate with grizzly that would allow me to
> achieve my keep-alive goal?
> To get an idea of what I'm doing without digging through all of the
> grizzly-sendfile's code, I suggest that you have a look at my async
> filter [1], which is the integration point between grizzly and
> grizzly-sendfile. Just keep in mind that when a Download[2] is
> prepared in the filter and registered with my selector thread, the
> filter returns. The Download is then processed asynchronously by
> grizzly-sendfile threads.
> thanks,
> Igor
> [1] https://hg.kenai.com/hg/grizzly-sendfile~main/file/a68e8b200193/
> grizzly-sendfile-g19/src/main/java/com/igorminar/grizzlysendfile/
> SendfileFilter.java#l1
> [2] https://hg.kenai.com/hg/grizzly-sendfile~main/file/a68e8b200193/
> sendfile-core/src/main/java/com/igorminar/grizzlysendfile/
> Download.java#l1
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