Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
> Hi,
> Jeanfrancois, once you'll have time, can you pls. take a look at this?
sure I will. Did you try to run a Comet demo with your patch? I think if
we Comet still working we should go ahead but as far as I can tell, the
extra thread pool was required to fully support async operation.
-- Jeanfrancois
> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> On Nov 3, 2009, at 16:00 , Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> Salut,
>> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>>> Hi Rama,
>>> IMO I've found what causes the higher memory consumption, when
>>> AsyncFilter is enabled.
>>> Here are my findings, which will help to understand the issue and fix
>>> I'm proposing...
>>> Basically there is no leak, but because of specific, how we run
>>> AsyncProcessorTask - we create and cache much more ProcessorTasks
>>> objects, than for regular usecause without AsyncFilters.
>>> By specific, I mean approach how we're running AsyncProcessorTask in
>>> DefaultAsyncHandler.handle() method. Each AsyncProcessorTask is run
>>> in a *new* worker thread (which seems redundant for me, because the
>>> current thread is a worker thread).
>> No, it will not work with Comet if we remove that second thread. I
>> will give a try to your patch as I did ARP in 2005, and we may be able
>> to remove the second thread pool
>> The situation is following... Assume we have
>>> thread pool with max 5 threads and 50 HTTP requests come
>>> simultaneously. We enqueue those requests tasks in a worker thread
>>> queue.
>>> 1) Thread-Pool queue:
>>> 50 Request tasks
>>> Now first thread picks up first request task, which polls
>>> ProcessorTask cache, which is empty, so it creates new ProcessorTask
>>> and executes it using AsyncProcessorTask in a new worker thread. So
>>> basically we processed so called request task, but added new
>>> AsyncProcessorTask on a worker thread queue.
>>> 2) Thread-Pool queue:
>>> 49 Request tasks
>>> 1 AsyncProcessorTask
>>> The same situation happens with the 2nd request task, again we create
>>> new ProcessorTask and execute it using AsyncProcessorTask in a new
>>> worker thread. So basically enqueue one more AsyncProcessorTask.
>>> 3) Thread-Pool queue:
>>> 48 Request tasks
>>> 2 AsyncProcessorTask
>>> So finally we will come to up to *50* ProcessorTasks created to
>>> process 50 requests, which then will be stored in ProcessorTask cache.
>> Yes, since ProcessorTask references the request bytes buffer, we ust
>> have one ProcessorTask per suspended request. Note that alternative,
>> Grizzly Async API, does the same as well. We can't get rid of the
>> ProcessorTask, unfortunalty.
>>> Notice, that in normal usecase, without AsyncFilters, we will have
>>> only *5* ProcessorTasks in cache, one per each thread.
>>> So the easiest solution I can propose is to run AsyncProcessorTasks
>>> in the current worker thread (diff is attached).
>>> Jeanfrancois, can I ask you to review it?
>> I suspect Comet will not works with the patch.
>> A+
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> Thanks.
>>> WBR,
>>> Alexey.
>>> On Oct 30, 2009, at 12:30 , wrote:
>>>> Ok back :D
>>>> let's be back to memory usage issue.
>>>> at the end fo the
>>>> mail you can found the test that i have used to found this issue.
>>>> let
>>>> me explain how and why i think that there is something of strange.
>>>> 1)
>>>> i'll start a gws, with a static adapter that say "yo"
>>>> 2) this gws,
>>>> after a 2500ms, will do a GC :)
>>>> 3) after a small warmup, a couple of
>>>> secs, this is the memory usage
>>>> RE 0 MU 1788240
>>>> this means that i
>>>> haven't do any request and that 1788240 is the minimal memory usage of
>>>> this example.
>>>> now, let's start AB benchmark.
>>>> ab -c 200 -n 20000
>>>> wait a bit (to have some GC issued) and
>>>> copy again the memory usage
>>>> RE 20001 MU 6038432 --> after the AB (why
>>>> there s 1 more request?? maybe my code is stupid)
>>>> RE 20001 MU 4419504 --
>>>>> 1 min later :)
>>>> let's start the 1st test with a AsyncFilter.
>>>> The
>>>> asyncfilter, added to this gws, is configured as follow. If the uri
>>>> contains "rama" it will just schedule the request to be issued 10 ms
>>>> later.
>>>> if not, the request will simply proceed.
>>>> Let's start it! and
>>>> allow a little warmup :)
>>>> RE 0 MU 1786376
>>>> pretty much the same of
>>>> before, so we are ready for the test!
>>>> now, let's start AB benchmark.
>>>> ab -c 200 -n 20000 --> as you can notice,
>>>> there isn't any "rama" on the uri, so asyncfilter, will just pass the
>>>> request to be executed later :)
>>>> and we got
>>>> RE 20076 MU 62715680 -->
>>>> after the AB (why there is 76 more request?? maybe ab is stupid?!? :))
>>>> RE 20076 MU 56168440 --> 3 mins later (sorry i have a call hehehe)
>>>> In
>>>> any case, you can see the enormous memory usage while using asyncfilter
>>>> (and without even suspending a request!!)
>>>> So, just with the 1st test,
>>>> i am a bit worried about that..maybe my fault? if so, please, check the
>>>> example and let me know where is the error (i have copy the example
>>>> here
>>>> net/blog/jfarcand/archive/2008/07/extending_the_g.html btw)
>>>> let's
>>>> start the 2nd test case.
>>>> Same code of above.
>>>> ab -c 200 -n 20000 http:
>>>> // (so suspend is on)
>>>> and we got
>>>> RE 20005 MU
>>>> 68343376 --> after AB (05?? what the hell!!)
>>>> RE 20005 MU 68293528 --> 1
>>>> mins later
>>>> Any help is appreciated :)
>>>> and here is the test code!
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> package test;
>>>> import;
>>>> import com.sun.grizzly.arp.AsyncExecutor;
>>>> import com.sun.grizzly.arp.
>>>> AsyncFilter;
>>>> import com.sun.grizzly.http.embed.GrizzlyWebServer;
>>>> import
>>>> com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.GrizzlyAdapter;
>>>> import com.sun.grizzly.tcp.
>>>> http11.GrizzlyRequest;
>>>> import com.sun.grizzly.tcp.http11.
>>>> GrizzlyResponse;
>>>> import;
>>>> import java.util.
>>>> concurrent.Callable;
>>>> import java.util.concurrent.
>>>> ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
>>>> import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
>>>> import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
>>>> /**
>>>> * Created by
>>>> IntelliJ IDEA.
>>>> * User: Rama
>>>> * Date: 30-ott-2009
>>>> * Time: 11.49.46
>>>> */
>>>> public class DemoWebServer {
>>>> static final AtomicInteger req = new
>>>> AtomicInteger();
>>>> public static void main(String args[]){
>>>> GrizzlyWebServer test = new GrizzlyWebServer();
>>>> test.
>>>> addGrizzlyAdapter(new MyGrizzlyAdapter(),new String[]{"/"});
>>>> test.addAsyncFilter(new MyAsyncFilter());
>>>> test.
>>>> getSelectorThread().setDisplayConfiguration(true);
>>>> try {
>>>> test.start();
>>>> } catch (IOException e){
>>>> e.printStackTrace(); //To change body of catch statement
>>>> use File | Settings | File Templates.
>>>> }
>>>> while
>>>> (true) {
>>>> int reqn = req.get();
>>>> System.out.
>>>> println("RE "+reqn+" MU "+(Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() -Runtime.
>>>> getRuntime().freeMemory()));
>>>> try {
>>>> Thread.
>>>> sleep(2500);
>>>> System.gc();System.gc();System.gc();
>>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> static class MyGrizzlyAdapter extends
>>>> GrizzlyAdapter {
>>>> public void service(GrizzlyRequest
>>>> grizzlyRequest, GrizzlyResponse grizzlyResponse) {
>>>> try {
>>>> grizzlyResponse.getWriter().print("Great!");
>>>> req.incrementAndGet();
>>>> } catch (IOException
>>>> e) {
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> static class MyAsyncFilter
>>>> implements AsyncFilter {
>>>> private final
>>>> ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor scheduler =
>>>> new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);
>>>> public boolean doFilter
>>>> (final AsyncExecutor asyncExecutor) {
>>>> String url =
>>>> asyncExecutor.getProcessorTask().getRequestURI();
>>>> //if
>>>> req url is rama, then delay the request
>>>> if (url.contains
>>>> ("rama")) {
>>>> scheduler.schedule(new Callable() {
>>>> public Object call() throws Exception {
>>>> asyncExecutor.execute();
>>>> asyncExecutor.postExecute();
>>>> return null;
>>>> }
>>>> }, 10, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
>>>> return
>>>> false;
>>>> }
>>>> //if not, let them pass :)
>>>> try {
>>>> asyncExecutor.execute();
>>>> asyncExecutor.postExecute();
>>>> } catch (Exception e) {
>>>> }
>>>> return false;
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> }
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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