Parker Lord wrote:
> Just tried the same test with the 1.9.17-SNAPSHOT jar and no change.
> The process does not exit and I cannot get two ProtocolHandlers to respond
> at the same time.
> I can see the sockets in LISTEN mode on the correct port and IP Addresses,
> but the Filters never get invoked. Only when I add the ProtocolHandler
> directly to the connector does it respond.
> I assume I cant add two handlers this way.
> e.g. -> controller.setProtocolChainInstanceHandler(pciAdminHandler);
Can you share a test case? File an issue here:
If you can't share publicly a test case, send it to me privately at
jfarcand @
-- jeanfrancois
> Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
>> Hi,
>> can I ask you to repeat tests with 1.9.17-SNAPSHOT, just to be sure
>> the issues are still there?
>> Thank you.
>> WBR,
>> Alexey.
>>> Stuff deleted.....