Re: [ANNOUCE] New grizzly sub-project: Grizzly Servlet Container

From: Hubert Iwaniuk <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 11:29:07 +0200


Would it be possible to create it on Kenai?


On Fri, Jun 12, 2009 at 5:54 AM, Jeanfrancois
Arcand<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to announce a new project called:
> Grizzly Servlet Container
> which will now leave under
> and of course :-)
> Modules that will be part of the move will contains:
> + http-servlet
> + grizzly-httpservice
> + http-service-its
> + http-servlet-deployer
> + hudson-on-grizzly
> The idea is to start a complete new project that can evolve on it's own. The
> goal here is to pass the Servlet 2.5 TCKs as soon as possible so we can
> claim we are compliant. Managers of the project will consist of Hubert,
> Sebastien and myself.
> ANYBODY interested to help on the design/roadmap/documentation, please join
> then new project. Starting next week we will start design discussions of
> where we are right now in term of design, and what we want as the final
> product.
> Please join the new community and help!
> Thanks!
> -- Jeanfrancois
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