Re: ServletAdapter Regression bug or not ?

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 Jun 2009 18:04:40 -0400


Survivant 00 wrote:
> I'm doing a little test.
> Creating 2 servlets, one that should handle every *.jsp files and other
> that will handle specific alias.
> ServletAdapter sa1 = addAdapter2("/*.jsp");

Hum addAdapter called here, and then below as well?

> sa1.setContextPath("/");
> sa1.setServletPath("");
> sa1.setRootFolder("C:/workspace_personal/DeployerRegression/demo/");
> gws.addGrizzlyAdapter(sa1, new String[]{"/*.jsp"});
> ServletAdapter sa2 = new ServletAdapter();
> sa2.setContextPath("/jsp");
> sa2.setServletPath("");
> sa2.setRootFolder("C:/workspace_personal/DeployerRegression/demo/");
> gws.addGrizzlyAdapter(sa2, new String[]{"/jsp/.xyz"});
> if I enter
> http://localhost:8080/jsp/index.jsp
> I would expect that sa1 will response, but it's always the second one.
> I used : com.sun.grizzly.http.MapperTest
> from grizzly-http-servlet

File an issue and commit the test with __. I don't think this is a
regression, but something we never tested (like mapping to / and


