Re: Strange behavior of Grizzly

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 2009 08:52:30 -0700


Minoru Nitta wrote:
> Hi Bongjae,
>> Hi, Minoru.
>> I see..
>> It's interesting. What is your JDK version?
> I tested with 1.5 update 10 and 1.6 update 13.
> I checked Sun Bug database but I could't find the issues, which might be
> releavent to this.

I've escalated the issue to the JDK team as I was also able to reproduce
the issue.

Bongjae, go ahead and commit your workaround. I will reply to that list
once I have the JDK bug issue number or an explanation why it is failing.

Good work!!

-- Jeanfrancois

> Minoru
>> --
>> Bongjae Chang
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Minoru Nitta" <>
>> To: <>
>> Sent: Monday, June 08, 2009 8:52 AM
>> Subject: Re: Strange behavior of Grizzly
>>> Hi Bongjae,
>>>> Hi Bongjae,
>>>> Thank you for your reply.
>>>> I tested my original program
>>>> on WindowsXP -> failed
>>>> on Liunx -> succeeded
>>>> After I applied your patch, my test program succeeded on both platforms.
>>>> On Windows, my program failed because returns empty set
>>> Actually, java.nio.channels.Selector.selectedKeys().
>>> Thanks.
>>>> on Windows. So in some circumestances, there might be a problem.
>>>> Minoru
>>>>> Hi Minoru,
>>>>> I tested your program on Windows 2003 server.
>>>>> Your original program failed, too. But when I applied my proposed patch to your program, I could know that it worked well.
>>>>> Didn't it work well when you tested your program which was modified by my opinion on Windows XP?
>>>>> --
>>>>> Bongjae Chang
>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>> From: "Minoru Nitta" <>
>>>>> To: <>
>>>>> Sent: Friday, June 05, 2009 1:01 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: Strange behavior of Grizzly
>>>>>> Hi Bongjae, Hi all,
>>>>>> I ran my test program on RHEL4 and it worked fine. I ran it on Windows XP,
>>>>>> it failed. I debugged it and found out that returned
>>>>>> empty set at SelectorHandlerRunner.doSelect even if ready keys have been
>>>>>> registered (So, read operation can never be executed). I think this is a
>>>>>> bug of JDK (or somewhere else).
>>>>>> Did you kindly test my program on Windows?
>>>>>> Minoru
>>>>>>> Hi Bongjae,
>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your quick reply and curiosity. I understood
>>>>>>> your proposal. Then, I would like to write my opinion.
>>>>>>> In UDP, it should be possible to send packets from a port where
>>>>>>> server socket is already bound. For example, after starting my SIP server,
>>>>>>> UDP ports status is like
>>>>>>> [root_at_rx200-4 ~]# netstat -a -u
>>>>>>> Active Internet connections (servers and established)
>>>>>>> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 *:666 *:*
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 *:669 *:*
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 *:sunrpc *:*
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 *:ipp *:*
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 rx200-4:5060 *:*
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 rx200-4:5060 *:*
>>>>>>> is a server socket where my SIP server is listening to from any other
>>>>>>> addresses (*:*). Then after sending packets from the same port (i.e. 5060),
>>>>>>> the status is like
>>>>>>> [root_at_rx200-4 ~]# netstat -a -u
>>>>>>> Active Internet connections (servers and established)
>>>>>>> Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 *:666 *:*
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 *:669 *:*
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 *:sunrpc *:*
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 *:ipp *:*
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 rx200-4:5060 [UNKNOWN]:6677 ESTABLISHED
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 rx200-4:5060 *:*
>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 rx200-4:5060 [UNKNOWN]:6677 ESTABLISHED
>>>>>>> is a client socket which receives packets only from [UNKNOWN]:6677.
>>>>>>> So if packets are sent to the port 5060, the client socket is used
>>>>>>> if the sender address is [UNKNOWN]:6677 and the server socket is used
>>>>>>> if the sender address is not [UNKNOWN]:6677.
>>>>>>> I thought that the following code you mentioned in your reply makes
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> udp 0 0 rx200-4:5060 [UNKNOWN]:6677 ESTABLISHED
>>>>>>> socket. But, I am not sure.
>>>>>>> Minoru
>>>>>>>> Hi Minoru,
>>>>>>>> I saw your app curiously and I could reproduce your problem.
>>>>>>>> When I debugged your program, I could know that your problem was perhaps caused by duplicated socket binding.
>>>>>>>> I think that it is better that the client controller doesn't use a local address when it connects remote peer.
>>>>>>>> See the following:
>>>>>>>> In
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> private ConnectorHandler createHandlerUDP(...) {
>>>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>>> try {
>>>>>>>> //connectorHandler.connect(socketRemote, local, callbackHandler);
>>>>>>>> connectorHandler.connect(socketRemote, callbackHandler);
>>>>>>>> } ...
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> In my opinion, the server controller's socket which was already binded with a local address could have a problem if a client tried to bind own socket with the same address locally.
>>>>>>>> I could see that your program's server couldn't receive any packets though blocking DatagramSocket(UAC and UAS) sent a packet to the server controller successfully.
>>>>>>>> So I thought that maybe the server had a problem.
>>>>>>>> It is not certain. :-)
>>>>>>>> But, I hope that my proposed patch and my words help you.
>>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Bongjae Chang
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>> From: "Minoru Nitta" <>
>>>>>>>> To: <>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 02, 2009 5:28 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Strange behavior of Grizzly
>>>>>>>>> Salut,
>>>>>>>>> I have been encountering a strange behavior of grizzly, and I need help.
>>>>>>>>> I tested the enclosed program and it sometimes worked fine and it sometimes did
>>>>>>>>> not work well. When it works, it repeats sending requests and responses,
>>>>>>>>> but when it does not work well, it stops repeating.
>>>>>>>>> I have no idea where is the problem (my test program or grizzly).
>>>>>>>>> I tested it on grizzly version 1.9.12 to 1.9.16 and the result was same.
>>>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>>>> Minoru
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