will try that after kids bath :)
2009/6/29 Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_sun.com>
> Salut,
> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> to resume the problem :
>> the problem with Deployer and PHP is simple (to reproduce). It's related
>> to the rootFolder.
>> with PHP the rootfolder should be (rootfolder + context) instead of using
>> rootfolder like JSP and servlets.
>> the problem could be fix easily if we could do that with servlets (maybe
>> we can.. that's why I asked JF to check that.. maybe
>> http://localhost:8080/warfile/index.jsp
>> http://localhost:8080/hudson/
>> actually JSP/servlets
>> setContextPath(context) // context = warfile
>> setServletPath(/)
>> setrootfolder(rootfolder)
>> PHP
>> setContextPath(context) setServletPath(/)
>> setrootfolder(rootfolder+context)
> I think I've replied to you on that :-). Use:
> https://grizzly.dev.java.net/nonav/apidocs/com/sun/grizzly/tcp/StaticResourcesAdapter.html#setResourcesContextPath(java.lang.String)<https://grizzly.dev.java.net/nonav/apidocs/com/sun/grizzly/tcp/StaticResourcesAdapter.html#setResourcesContextPath%28java.lang.String%29>
> E.g.
> setRootFolder(rootFolder);
> setResourceContextPath(context)
>> How can we change the JSP to reflect the syntax for PHP ? (maybe I did
>> something wrong... I starting Deployer few months ago, and we found some
>> bugs in http, so I did refactoring to get it to work..
> And you are doing a GREAT JOB!
> but maybe because
>> the bugs found are fixed, I need to change a little the code.. that's why
>> I need your help :) someone other than me :)
>> to test PHP to reproduce the problem.. use this (because I know that the
>> problem occurs)
>> I created a zip file that contains the libraries for JSP and PHP with
>> applications to tests and xml file to add theses supports. (hudson,
>> twitter...wordpress (php)
>> and use -a /demo where are the warfile and wordpress folder is.
>> the goal.. all theses applications must work in the sametime
>> http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=fc577931a2d88b4119747bd91027d4dd431eab634af4c054
> I will take a look but if you can try the API above, maybe that will solve
> the issue.
> A+
> --jeanfrancois
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