Re: WorkerThread caches not clearing correctly?

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 2009 16:33:27 -0400


Vivek Pandey wrote:
> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> Salut,
>> Jacob Kessler wrote:
>>> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>>>>> The issue is that until that worker thread serves a new request,
>>>>> the context of the request holds a copy of the
>>>>> com.sun.grizzly.jrubyRackGrizzlyAdapter that served the request,
>>>>> which in turn needs to be holding objects that prevent the JRuby
>>>>> classloader from being garbage collected after the application that
>>>>> it was serving is undeployed, which means that in development
>>>>> environments (where requests served to redeployments approach 1:1)
>>>>> permgen usage climbs unreasonably. What I'm wondering is whether
>>>>> the Request should be cleared on application undeploy, and (if it
>>>>> shouldn't, for whatever reason) if there is a way to force it to
>>>>> clear to prevent the inappropriate caching that we are seeing.
>>>> Hum...The Adapter is stateless by default, only one instance gets
>>>> created. We can probably (for JRuby) switch to a new Thread Pool
>>>> that clean the HttpWorkerThread's adpater instance....but since this
>>>> is a single instance, I don't think that will fix the issue. What
>>>> you need is to create a new Adapter per request...but that will kill
>>>> performance IMO.
>>>> Why not clearing the JRubyAdapter state inside its service method?
>>>> A+
>>>> -- Jeanfrancois
>>> There is only one Adapter (which is good), and the state that it
>>> holds onto is an instance of the JRuby interpreter (which otherwise
>>> takes 5+ seconds to load). We want that JRuby interpreter to persist
>>> across all requests served by the adapter (as it does), but want to
>>> be able to clear the worker thread caches on application undeploy
>>> (when the Adapter is no longer in use) to free up the memory
>>> (particularly permgen) that the JRuby interpreter uses.
>> OK, but this is not a Grizzly issue :-). Grizzly cannot by default get
>> rid of Adapter for trivial performance reason (sync on ProcessorTask
>> instance). The solution for you is to extend the HttpWorkerThread and
>> clear its field (In you case the ProcessorTask) when you detect and
>> undeploy. So you need to write your own ThreadPool which extend the
>> one under the http module. I can help Thursday (holiday here now).
> Maybe it is not a core Grizzly issue but it is an issue with the Grizzly
> support in Glassfish v3.
> When an application is deployed, the JRuby deployer calls
> requestDispatcher.registerEndpoint(ctx, adapter, this);
> Above, *adapter* is the GrizzlyAdapter.
> When the application is un-deployed, the container is unregistered:
> requestDispatcher.unregisterEndpoint(container.getContextRoot(), container);
> The above unregister should have taken care of clearing off the worker
> thread off this JRubyGrizzlyAdapter. I think bug is right there, even
> after we unregister, the adapter still hangs around for no reason.

The GrizzlyAdapter has a method call destroy(). I would think the
JRubyGrizzlyAdapter should clean up it's resource from there, so the
instance is not causing a leak. That way we will be able to re-use that
instance for the next request instead of freeing the WorkerThread. If
you still think the WorkerThread needs to be free (we only have 5
threads per default), why not clearing it inside the destroy()?

Would that work?


-- Jeanfrancois

> -vivek.
>> A+
>> -- Jeanfrancois
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