Question about DefaultThreadPool

From: Minoru Nitta <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 13:40:36 +0900


 I have a question about current DefaultThreadPool. DefaultThreadPool
has 4 constructors now, and one of them can allow a user to specify
any queues that implements BlockingQueue interface.

 This is good for me, because I can specify ArrayBlockingQueue, and
a similar issue was filed before.

 The problem occurs when the user specify a queue of limited capacity,
because current execute method ignores a return value of BlockingQueue.offer
method. So, if the queue is full, the task that is specified as
a parameter of DefaultThreadPool.exeucte, will be discarded, and
will never be executed.

 I should not specifiy a limited capacity of BlockingQueue?
Or DefaultThreadPool.execute method should return the value,
which indicates task was queued or not (i.e. return value
of BlockingQueue.offer)?

