About ConnectorHandler#connect()'s failure

From: Bongjae Chang <>
Date: Sat, 9 May 2009 16:53:39 +0900


When I tried to connect the invalid remote with using the ConnectorHandler's connect(), I couldn't receive any exception though ConnectorHandler's connect() API already had IOException.

So, I should do a redundant check for graceful handling of errors.

Here is a sample.
ConnectorHandler connectorHandler = null;
try {
    connectorHandler = controller.acquireConnectorHandler( Controller.Protocol.TCP );
    connectorHandler.connect( invalidRemoteAddress, localAddress );
    if( connectorHandler instanceof TCPConnectorHandler ) {
        if( ((TCPConnectorHandler)connectorHandler).isConnected() ) {
            OutputWrite.flushChannel( connectorHandler.getUnderlyingChannel(), message, timeout );
    OutputWrite.flushChannel( connectorHandler.getUnderlyingChannel(), message, timeout );
} catch( Throwable t ) {
} finally {

* Suggestion #1
- I think that it is better that ConnectorHandlers which include TCP, UDP, SSL and Cacheable type try to check the connection error itself.

* Suggestion #2
- I think that it is better that AbstractConnectorHandler has isConnected member and isConnected() API.

* Suggestion #3
- I think that ConnectorHandler has isConnectedLatch for verifying the connection, then it is better that ConnectorHandlers try to check the isConnectedLatch's timeout.

Then, patch is like the following.

* In TCPConnectorHandler, UDPConnectorHandler and SSLConnectorHandler.
public void connect(SocketAddress remoteAddress, SocketAddress localAddress, P callbackHandler, E selectorHandler ) throws IOException {
    boolean finishConnect = false;
    try {
        finishConnect = isConnectedLatch.await(connectionTimeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
    } catch(InterruptedException ex) {
        throw new IOException(ex.getMessage());
    if( !finishConnect )
        throw new IOException( "failed to connect " + remoteAddress + " because of connection timeout" );
    if( !isConnected() )
        throw new IOException( "failed to connect " + remoteAddress );

Could any side-effects be occurred if connect() method throws IOException?


Bongjae Chang