Issue 591 : possible solutions : Tous pour un et un pour tous.

From: Survivant 00 <>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 21:24:06 -0400

Hello it me again :)

I worked on that for few hours and here my observations. (PS.. we had the
problem with Jasper, and PHP and probably all framework that generated code
from files)

I created a blank project using the source of Tomcat 6 : Jasper + a little
testcase using GWS.

here my testcase

#1 - I created a folder structure like that


in lib I had to put : ant.jar and jasper-jdt.jar

the Junit look like that

public void testJSP_Jasper2() throws IOException {
        try {
            String[] aliases = new String[] { "*.jsp" };

            String context = "/";
            String servletPath = "demo/jsp";
            String rootFolder = "c:/workspace/JSPSupport/";

            ServletAdapter adapter = new ServletAdapter();
            Servlet servlet = (Servlet)


            gws.addGrizzlyAdapter(adapter, aliases);


            String url = context + servletPath + "/index.jsp";
            HttpURLConnection conn = getConnection(url);

            String response = readResponse(conn).toString();
            assertEquals(url, response.trim());

        } finally {


// this testcase failed because in GrizzlyAdapterChain we set
setHandleStaticResources(true); instead of using the next SA.
        // maybe we should call the StaticResourcesAdapter at the end when
no other servlet works ?

        //and we have also in GWS :
        //should be able to force it to false ?

*If I force the setHandleStaticResources(false).. Jasper servlet will be
called* if not.. the staticResourceAdapter will handle the file.. and it's
not what we want

         if (!isRootConfigured && wrapper.startsWith("*.")){
                        isRootConfigured = true;
                        GrizzlyAdapter a = new
                                setHandleStaticResources(true); /// HERE

                            public void service(GrizzlyRequest request,
GrizzlyResponse response) {
                                try {

customizedErrorPage(request.getRequest(), response.getResponse());
                                } catch (Exception ex) {
                        mapper.addContext(LOCAL_HOST, ctx, a,
                                new String[]{"index.html", "index.htm"},

*After that I forced it to false.. Jasper was called*

     * here what we got in Jasper

          Requested JSP has not been the target of a
          RequestDispatcher.include(). Reconstruct its path from the
          request's getServletPath() and getPathInfo()

        jspUri = request.getServletPath();
        String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo();
        if (pathInfo != null) {
            jspUri += pathInfo;

        // jspUri = demo/jsp
        // pathInfo = /index.jsp*

         //JASPER want it to start with /
                    jspUri = "/" + jspUri;
         //without the "/" Jasper will remove "d" from demo as path :)

JspEngine --> demo/jsp/index.jsp
ServletPath: demo/jsp
PathInfo: /index.jsp
RealPath: C:\workspace\JSPSupport\demo\jsp\index.jsp
RequestURI: /demo/jsp/index.jsp
QueryString: null
Request Params:

com.sun.grizzly.http.servlet.ServletContextImpl.getResource(String path)*

        JASPER will ask for


we have that

        if (path == null || !path.startsWith("/")) {
            throw new MalformedURLException(path);


        // Help the UrlClassLoader, which is not able to load resources
        // that contains '//'
        if (path.length() > 1 && path.startsWith("/")){
            path = path.substring(1);


        later Jasper try to compile the jsp.

        try to get resource from **

        where path = "/demo/jsp/index.jsp"

        public InputStream getResourceAsStream(String path) {

            path = normalize(path);
            if (path == null)
                return (null);

            return Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()

        and return NULL.. why ? should it check into the rootfolder ? or
we have to put that folder ourself into the classpath ? (I do that in the
deployer.. but I'm not using it in this test.. will try that tomorrow.. too

any comments ?