Re: required attributes and default values in grizzly-config

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 2009 20:02:48 -0400

Justin Lee wrote:
> Are you sure about defaulting that port to 8080? IMO, it makes more
> sense to mark it as required with no default value...

Ok but inside the code it's 8080 :-) So I would think it's better to
reflect what's in the code?



> Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
>> Salut,
>> Justin Lee wrote:
>>> Below are all the attributes defined in grizzly-config. I've been
>>> asked to audit all these to make sure that everything that's required
>>> is marked as such and that all attributes that need defaults have
>>> them. The required portions are mostly obvious but the default
>>> values need some attention. So if you guys could look over these
>>> values and note where there are missing defaults/required attributes,
>>> that'd help me out a lot. Thanks.
>>> @interface
>>> org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute
>>> Found usages (102 usages)
>>> com.sun.grizzly.config.dom (102 usages)
>>> FileCache (5 usages)
>>> getEnabled() (1 usage)
>>> (54, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "true")
>>> getMaxAge() (1 usage)
>>> (62, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "30")
>>> getMaxCacheSize() (1 usage)
>>> (70, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "10485760")
>>> getMaxFilesCount() (1 usage)
>>> (78, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "1024")
>>> (40, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> Http (29 usages)
>>> getAdapter() (1 usage)
>>> (52, 6)
>>> @Attribute(defaultValue="com.sun.grizzly.tcp.StaticResourcesAdapter")
>>> getChunkingDisabled() (1 usage)
>>> (57, 6) @Attribute
>> default true
>>> getCompressableMimeType() (1 usage)
>>> (67, 6) @Attribute
>> default (look inside
>> http/src/main/java/com/sun/grizzly/http/ProcessorTask
>>> getCompression() (1 usage)
>>> (62, 6) @Attribute
>> false
>>> getCompressionMinSize() (1 usage)
>>> (72, 6) @Attribute
>> http/src/main/java/com/sun/grizzly/http/ProcessorTask
>>> getConnectionUploadTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (77, 6) @Attribute
>> 5 minuts
>>> getDefaultResponseType() (1 usage)
>>> (86, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "text/html;
>>> charset=iso-8859-1")
>>> getDefaultVirtualServer() (1 usage)
>>> (94, 6) @Attribute
>>> getDisableUploadTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (99, 6) @Attribute
>>> getEnableAuthPassThrough() (1 usage)
>>> (107, 6) @Attribute
>>> getEnableCometSupport() (1 usage)
>>> (117, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "false")
>>> getEnableRcmSupport() (1 usage)
>>> (122, 6) @Attribute
>> false
>>> getForcedResponseType() (1 usage)
>>> (139, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "text/html;
>>> charset=iso-8859-1")
>>> getHeaderBufferLength() (1 usage)
>>> (147, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "4096")
>> 8192
>>> getMaxConnections() (1 usage)
>>> (155, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "256")
>>> getMaxPostSize() (1 usage)
>>> (160, 6) @Attribute
>> Look in ProcessorTask
>>> getNoCompressionUserAgents() (1 usage)
>>> (165, 6) @Attribute
>>> getRedirectPort() (1 usage)
>>> (175, 6) @Attribute
>>> getRequestBodyBufferSize() (1 usage)
>>> (183, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "4096")
>> 8192
>>> getRequestTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (191, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "30")
>>> getRestrictedUserAgents() (1 usage)
>>> (196, 6) @Attribute
>> Look in ProcessorTask
>>> getSendBufferSize() (1 usage)
>>> (204, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "8192")
>>> getServerName() (1 usage)
>>> (215, 6) @Attribute(required = true)
>>> getTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (223, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "30")
>>> getTraceEnabled() (1 usage)
>>> (228, 6) @Attribute
>> true
>>> getUriEncoding() (1 usage)
>>> (233, 6) @Attribute
>>> getVersion() (1 usage)
>>> (243, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "HTTP/1.1")
>>> getXpoweredBy() (1 usage)
>>> (253, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "true")
>>> (40, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> NetworkListener (8 usages)
>>> getAddress() (1 usage)
>>> (54, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "")
>>> getEnabled() (1 usage)
>>> (62, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "true")
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (70, 6) @Attribute(required = true, key = true)
>>> getPort() (1 usage)
>>> (78, 6) @Attribute(required = true)
>> default 8080
>>> getProtocol() (1 usage)
>>> (89, 6) @Attribute(required = true)
>>> getThreadPool() (1 usage)
>>> (100, 6) @Attribute
>>> getTransport() (1 usage)
>>> (111, 6) @Attribute(required = true)
>>> (40, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> PortUnification (3 usages)
>>> getClassname() (1 usage)
>>> (64, 6) @Attribute
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (56, 6) @Attribute(key = true)
>>> (41, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> Protocol (3 usages)
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (61, 6) @Attribute(required = true, key = true)
>>> getSecurityEnabled() (1 usage)
>>> (88, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "false")
>>> (40, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> ProtocolChain (4 usages)
>>> getClassname() (1 usage)
>>> (63, 6) @Attribute
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (55, 6) @Attribute
>>> getType() (1 usage)
>>> (71, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "STATELESS")
>>> (42, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> ProtocolChainInstanceHandler (3 usages)
>>> getClassname() (1 usage)
>>> (62, 6) @Attribute
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (54, 6) @Attribute
>>> (41, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> ProtocolFilter (3 usages)
>>> getClassname() (1 usage)
>>> (61, 6) @Attribute(required = true)
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (53, 6) @Attribute(key = true)
>>> (41, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> ProtocolFinder (4 usages)
>>> getClassname() (1 usage)
>>> (71, 6) @Attribute
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (55, 6) @Attribute(key = true)
>>> getProtocol() (1 usage)
>>> (63, 6) @Attribute
>>> (41, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> SelectionKeyHandler (3 usages)
>>> getClassname() (1 usage)
>>> (61, 6) @Attribute
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (53, 6) @Attribute(key = true)
>>> (41, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> Ssl (14 usages)
>>> getCertNickname() (1 usage)
>>> (53, 6) @Attribute(required = true)
>>> getClientAuthEnabled() (1 usage)
>>> (62, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "false", dataType =
>>> Boolean.class)
>>> getCrlFile() (1 usage)
>>> (67, 6) @Attribute
>>> getKeyStore() (1 usage)
>>> (74, 6) @Attribute
>>> getSsl2Ciphers() (1 usage)
>>> (84, 6) @Attribute
>>> getSsl2Enabled() (1 usage)
>>> (94, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "false", dataType =
>>> Boolean.class)
>>> getSsl3Enabled() (1 usage)
>>> (103, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "true", dataType =
>>> Boolean.class)
>>> getSsl3TlsCiphers() (1 usage)
>>> (114, 6) @Attribute
>>> getTlsEnabled() (1 usage)
>>> (122, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "true", dataType =
>>> Boolean.class)
>>> getTlsRollbackEnabled() (1 usage)
>>> (131, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "true", dataType =
>>> Boolean.class)
>>> getTrustAlgorithm() (1 usage)
>>> (136, 6) @Attribute
>>> getTrustMaxCertLength() (1 usage)
>>> (140, 6) @Attribute
>>> getTrustStore() (1 usage)
>>> (144, 6) @Attribute
>>> (40, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> ThreadPool (7 usages)
>>> getClassname() (1 usage)
>>> (51, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue =
>>> "com.sun.grizzly.http.StatsThreadPool")
>>> getIdleThreadTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (59, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "120")
>> 5 minutes
>>> getMaxQueueSize() (1 usage)
>>> (67, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "-1")
>>> getMaxThreadPoolSize() (1 usage)
>>> (77, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "5")
>>> getMinThreadPoolSize() (1 usage)
>>> (87, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "0")
>> 2
>>> getThreadPoolId() (1 usage)
>>> (95, 6) @Attribute(required = true, key=true)
>>> (41, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>>> Transport (16 usages)
>>> getAcceptorThreads() (1 usage)
>>> (52, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "1")
>> Default -1. This will be auto-configured by Grizzly starting with 1.9.15
>>> getBufferSize() (1 usage)
>>> (57, 6) @Attribute
>> 8192
>>> getByteBufferType() (1 usage)
>>> (65, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "HEAP")
>>> getClassname() (1 usage)
>>> (73, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue =
>>> "com.sun.grizzly.TCPSelectorHandler")
>>> getDisplayConfiguration() (1 usage)
>>> (82, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "false")
>>> getEnableSnoop() (1 usage)
>>> (91, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "false")
>>> getIdleKeyTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (99, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "30")
>>> getMaxConnectionsCount() (1 usage)
>>> (107, 6) @Attribute(defaultValue = "4096")
>>> getName() (1 usage)
>>> (115, 6) @Attribute(required = true, key = true)
>>> getReadTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (123, 6) @Attribute
>> 30 seconds
>>> getSelectionKeyHandler() (1 usage)
>>> (131, 6) @Attribute
>>> getSelectorPollTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (139, 6) @Attribute
>>> getTcpNoDelay() (1 usage)
>>> (157, 6) @Attribute
>>> getUseNioDirectByteBuffer() (1 usage)
>>> (144, 6) @Attribute
>> delete (not needed)
>>> getWriteTimeout() (1 usage)
>>> (152, 6) @Attribute
>> 30 seconds
>>> (40, 29) import org.jvnet.hk2.config.Attribute;
>> Thanks
>> -- Jeanfrancois
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