it will be deploy twich for this reason :
if a do that java -jar.... -a /temp/multiples/
and it contains
hudson.war and hudson/
I search for all the .war and the folder that contains : /WEB-INF/web.xml
theses 2 matches the list();
so I'll deploy the hudson.war file into a temp folder
after that I,ll go to the 2th item in the list.. and it's the folder.. so
I'll deploy it too.
when it find a war file.. the context will be the war file name.,.. and when
it finds a folder.. the context will be the folder name..
it need to get tracks or what has been deployed.
2009/3/26 Jeanfrancois Arcand <>
> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> Why would you do that?
>> suppose that I have a folder :
>> webapp/WEB-INF/classes
>> webapp/WEB-INF/lib
>> webapp/WEB-INF/conf...
>> I'll have all my jars in lib.. but I could have my application compiled in
>> classes.. That was the problem.. it didn't find my servlet unless I put it
>> in a jar into the lib folder.
> Hum I'm pretty sure your servlet will be loaded if you drop them under
> WEB-INF/ least this is what it is supposed to work.
>> - doesn't support tld so my example here with freemarker and struts
>> won't load because of that.
>> Any idea why it doesn't work.
>> first we don't have a way to declare it in the GWS. after that in your
>> web pages you have to declare it :
>> <%@ taglib uri="/struts-html-el.tld" prefix="html"%>
>> maybe the server try to do a lookup .. there must have something wierd :)
>> never try actually to debug that.. could be fun.
>> - wierd case.. when the file : hudson.war and the folder hudson/ are
>> in the same folder..
>> What is the issue :-)
>> because we are using a temp folder to deploy the application.. it will be
>> deploying 2 applications with the same context..
> I see...but why is it deploying twice is what I would like to learn :-)
>> oh ya... when we deploy a war file.. it's deployed in the OS temp
>> folder, maybe we could pass a param to change that.. or a param to
>> force the war to be expanded.. could fix the previous issue.
>> Agree.
>> File issue for each of the above so we can track them and we can get help
>> from the community. Also what do you think about adding support of a
>> ServletAdapter.deploy() method?
>> just not sure how it will works. first we need to find was need to be
>> deploy.. populate the servletAdapter.. and after that do a
>> ServletAdapter.deploy() ? the work is done at this point :)
>> just give us the "pseudo code" and I will understand what you're saying.
> ServletAdapter s = new ServletAdapter();
> s.populate(path-to-web.xml)
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> 2009/3/26 Jeanfrancois Arcand < <mailto:
>> Salut,
>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> syntax examples :
>> # 1 : Deploy a war
>> java -jar grizzly-servlet-deployer-1.9.11-SNAPSHOT.jar -a
>> c:/temp/hudson.war
>> the param : -p 8080 is optional. 8080 is the default port
>> the context will be the war file. In this example :
>> http://localhost:8080/hudson/ (don't forget to put the
>> trailing / or it won't work... I filled a bug about that)
>> #2 - Deploy a war expanded.
>> java -jar grizzly-servlet-deployer-1.9.11-SNAPSHOT.jar -a
>> c:/temp/hudson
>> that will give the same result as #1
>> #3 Deploy a servlet
>> java -classpath
>> myservlet.jar;.;grizzly-servlet-deployer-1.9.11-SNAPSHOT.jar
>> com.sun.grizzly.http.servlet.deployer.GrizzlyWebServerDeployer
>> -a web.xml
>> the context will be the default "/"
>> http://localhost:8080/
>> but there is a bug here. (need to fix it.. )
>> if I put that in the web.xml
>> <servlet-mapping>
>> <servlet-name>servletA</servlet-name>
>> <url-pattern>/servlet/*</url-pattern>
>> </servlet-mapping>
>> I was expecting : http://localhost:8080/servlet/ but I got a
>> "Resource Not Found" (is it a bug in my deployer or in GWS..)
>> #4 - Deploy multiples war in the same time. This one in tricky.
>> Here what the folders will look like
>> c:/temp/MultipleWarFolder/
>> /freemarker
>> /classes
>> /lib
>> /templates
>> hudson.war
>> struts2-showcase-2.0.12.war
>> GWSDeployer will check all the folders in the root and if it
>> find one that contains /WEB-INF/web.xml it will consider it as
>> #2 (expanded war)
>> if it find a .war it will do #1 (war file)
>> and the context will the folder name of the war file name.
>> here the syntax for #4.. (yes it's the same as #2)
>> java -jar grizzly-servlet-deployer-1.9.11-SNAPSHOT.jar -a
>> c:/temp/MultipleWarFolder
>> there are some limitations..
>> - we have 1 classloader.. so if you have multiple war that
>> contains the same librairy but a different version, you will
>> have problem.
>> Yes will work on that.
>> - classloader problem : not able to add classes in the classpath
>> (the jars are fine)
>> Why would you do that?
>> - doesn't support tld so my example here with freemarker and
>> struts won't load because of that.
>> Any idea why it doesn't work.
>> - wierd case.. when the file : hudson.war and the folder hudson/
>> are in the same folder..
>> What is the issue :-)
>> oh ya... when we deploy a war file.. it's deployed in the OS
>> temp folder, maybe we could pass a param to change that.. or a
>> param to force the war to be expanded.. could fix the previous
>> issue.
>> Agree.
>> File issue for each of the above so we can track them and we can get
>> help from the community. Also what do you think about adding support
>> of a ServletAdapter.deploy() method?
>> Thanks
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>> any comments ?
>> 2009/3/24 Survivant 00 <
>> <> <
>> <>>>
>> ok. I'll let the refactoring to you.
>> I'll start the documentation tonight and put some examples too.
>> 2009/3/24 Jeanfrancois Arcand <
>> <>
>> <
>> <>>>
>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> I'll explain all that :)
>> yes you can delete the module :
>> grizzly-servlet-webserver-deployer
>> but what's wierd.. is that I don't see it in the trunk.
>> unless I'm in a branch and I didn't know that
>> No I've moved it under bundles/... last week or the week
>> before.
>> Now I will test the new module and we may want to move it
>> from
>> contribs/ to modules/ for a possible integration with
>> http-servlet. We may want to add a new API on
>> ServletAdapter like:
>> deploy( path-to-war-file )
>> and under the hood will configure (the same as you did).
>> We may
>> also want to add a
>> parse (path-to-xml)
>> ...but not before I've fixed the classloader issue you have
>> raised (at least on my side) :-)
>> A+
>> -- Jeanfrancois
>> 2009/3/24 Jeanfrancois Arcand
>> < <>
>> <
>> <>>
>> <
>> <>
>> <
>> <>>>>
>> Salut,
>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>> I replace ServletDeployer by
>> GrizzlyWebServerDelpoyer.
>> /contrib/grizzly-servlet-deployer
>> This version support webapp 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
>> and 3.0
>> you can launch webapps by using this command
>> line :
>> java -jar
>> grizzly-servlet-deployer-xxx.jar -a
>> path/webapp.war
>> I'll add more javadoc this week and bog about
>> this.
>> I need to
>> show all the potential of that thing.
>> This is great! And what is the context-path used by
>> default? The
>> name of the war file? Will test that. Also, do we
>> still
>> need 2
>> modules? I guess we can get rid of the other one
>> (this
>> time I ask :-)).
>> A+
>> -- Jeanfrancois
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