Survivant 00 wrote:
> syntax examples :
> # 1 : Deploy a war
> java -jar grizzly-servlet-deployer-1.9.11-SNAPSHOT.jar -a c:/temp/hudson.war
> the param : -p 8080 is optional. 8080 is the default port
> the context will be the war file. In this example :
> http://localhost:8080/hudson/ (don't forget to put the trailing / or
> it won't work... I filled a bug about that)
> #2 - Deploy a war expanded.
> java -jar grizzly-servlet-deployer-1.9.11-SNAPSHOT.jar -a c:/temp/hudson
> that will give the same result as #1
> #3 Deploy a servlet
> java
> -classpath myservlet.jar;.;grizzly-servlet-deployer-1.9.11-SNAPSHOT.jar
> com.sun.grizzly.http.servlet.deployer.GrizzlyWebServerDeployer -a web.xml
> the context will be the default "/"
> http://localhost:8080/
> but there is a bug here. (need to fix it.. )
> if I put that in the web.xml
> <servlet-mapping>
> <servlet-name>servletA</servlet-name>
> <url-pattern>/servlet/*</url-pattern>
> </servlet-mapping>
> I was expecting : http://localhost:8080/servlet/ but I got a
> "Resource Not Found" (is it a bug in my deployer or in GWS..)
> #4 - Deploy multiples war in the same time. This one in tricky. Here
> what the folders will look like
> c:/temp/MultipleWarFolder/
> /freemarker
> /classes
> /lib
> /templates
> hudson.war
> struts2-showcase-2.0.12.war
> GWSDeployer will check all the folders in the root and if it find one
> that contains /WEB-INF/web.xml it will consider it as #2 (expanded war)
> if it find a .war it will do #1 (war file)
> and the context will the folder name of the war file name.
> here the syntax for #4.. (yes it's the same as #2)
> java -jar grizzly-servlet-deployer-1.9.11-SNAPSHOT.jar -a
> c:/temp/MultipleWarFolder
> there are some limitations..
> - we have 1 classloader.. so if you have multiple war that contains the
> same librairy but a different version, you will have problem.
Yes will work on that.
> - classloader problem : not able to add classes in the classpath (the
> jars are fine)
Why would you do that?
> - doesn't support tld so my example here with freemarker and struts
> won't load because of that.
Any idea why it doesn't work.
> - wierd case.. when the file : hudson.war and the folder hudson/ are in
> the same folder..
What is the issue :-)
> oh ya... when we deploy a war file.. it's deployed in the OS temp
> folder, maybe we could pass a param to change that.. or a param to force
> the war to be expanded.. could fix the previous issue.
File issue for each of the above so we can track them and we can get
help from the community. Also what do you think about adding support of
a ServletAdapter.deploy() method?
-- Jeanfrancois
> any comments ?
> 2009/3/24 Survivant 00 <
> <>>
> ok. I'll let the refactoring to you.
> I'll start the documentation tonight and put some examples too.
> 2009/3/24 Jeanfrancois Arcand <
> <>>
> Survivant 00 wrote:
> I'll explain all that :)
> yes you can delete the module :
> grizzly-servlet-webserver-deployer
> but what's wierd.. is that I don't see it in the trunk.
> unless I'm in a branch and I didn't know that
> No I've moved it under bundles/... last week or the week before.
> Now I will test the new module and we may want to move it from
> contribs/ to modules/ for a possible integration with
> http-servlet. We may want to add a new API on ServletAdapter like:
> deploy( path-to-war-file )
> and under the hood will configure (the same as you did). We may
> also want to add a
> parse (path-to-xml)
> ...but not before I've fixed the classloader issue you have
> raised (at least on my side) :-)
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
> 2009/3/24 Jeanfrancois Arcand <
> <>
> <
> <>>>
> Salut,
> Survivant 00 wrote:
> I replace ServletDeployer by GrizzlyWebServerDelpoyer.
> /contrib/grizzly-servlet-deployer
> This version support webapp 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5 and 3.0
> you can launch webapps by using this command line :
> java -jar
> grizzly-servlet-deployer-xxx.jar -a path/webapp.war
> I'll add more javadoc this week and bog about this.
> I need to
> show all the potential of that thing.
> This is great! And what is the context-path used by
> default? The
> name of the war file? Will test that. Also, do we still
> need 2
> modules? I guess we can get rid of the other one (this
> time I ask :-)).
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
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