Re: properites motherlode

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 10:57:44 +0100

Hi Justin,

very great to see you're making good progress!!! :)
I'll just add comments on properties I have idea about, the rest I'll
leave for Jeanfrancois and Jan :)

> GrizzlyServiceListener configures a *lot* of stuff based on
> <property> elements under <http-listener>. Some of that I can drop
> because we have config elements for them but not all. Things like
> comet support now have formal support but most of these others
> don't... What to do with those? Leave 'em? Add config elements to
> Http?
> bufferSize
add transport->buffer-size

> use-nio-direct-bytebuffer
same as transport->byte-buffer-type (HEAD/DIRECT values are supported)

> maxKeepAliveRequests

> authPassthro
? no idea

> compression
> compressableMimeType
> noCompressionUserAgents
> compressionMinSize
> restrictedUserAgents
go under http

> rcmSupport
probably add http>enable-rcm-support

> cometSupport

> connectionUploadTimeout
> disableUploadTimeout
? no idea

> proxiedProtocols
will be replaced with port-unification

> chunkingDisabled
> chunking-disabled
IMHO we need to add http->chunking-disabled

> crlFile
? no idea

> trustAlgorithm
> trustMaxCertLength
IMHO it should be under ssl

> uriEncoding
? no idea.

> jkEnabled
Seems we don't need this anymore for grizzly config.


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