Any real deployment should have dedicated firewall software / hardware.
2009/1/27 Jeanfrancois Arcand <>
> Salut,
> rama wrote:
>> Dear friends,
>> A question is coming to my mind regarding flood protection of webserver.
>> There are some "facilities" included on grizzly (apart tuning the
>> keepalive) that will help to protect agains flood?
> Yes (at least for http), you can configure how large you want the request
> queue can be. By default, we set it to 4096. What it means is if you have
> set Grizzly to use 5 WorkerThreads, as soon as those worker thread are busy
> the request will be queued, and that queue can grow until 4096. Or course
> as soon as a WorkerThread is ready one request is dequeue and executed. If
> there is more than 4096, we just close the connection and avoid wasting any
> resources.
> You can also improve the time spend when reading the http headers. If the
> client takes too much time (because it try to do a DoS) sending the bytes,
> you can configure that value as well. Right now it is 30 seconds, but you
> may want to reduce that value to 10 or 15 seconds. Same for the write
> operations: if the remote client read too slowly, you can also ask Grizzly
> to times out/reject those slow client.
>> On lighttpd, there is a mod called mod_evasive, that will allow only N
>> connection x IP, the other C-N connection are delayed a bit, this to
>> slowdown connection that coming from the same ip all at the same time.
>> I don't know if this mod is of any usage, probably not, but anyway the
>> question is....
> That's interesting. We can probably support something similar.
>> "what kind of dos & flooding protection are implemented to grizzly? how i
>> can use it or tune it?"
> Does the above help? It is very minimal protection, but I would think it
> can be quite useful...
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> best regards
>> Rama
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