FileOutputBuffer issue

From: rama <>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 15:45:13 +0100

Dear staff,

I want to share this little piece of code.

Basically in this example, i just want to send
out a file.

To do this, i have follow 2 approach, the 1st (fileoutputbuffer) was
copied on grizzlyblog
the 2nd is a cut/paste of a staticresourceadapter more or less.

The 2nd work (the one that use bytechunk)
the 1st not (fileoutputbuffer)

Basically, i am just curious (i can use the 2nd without problem) but
i was wondering
a) what's the difference between the 2 options?
b) why the 1st one doesn't work? it's normal? (code copied from here Extending the Grizzly HTTP
Runtime part V: Programatically configuring Servlet and GrizzlyAdapter)

That's all :)
Have a nice weekend!

        public static void main(String args[]) {
                  GrizzlyWebServer ws = new GrizzlyWebServer(8080);
                  GrizzlyAdapter adapter = new GrizzlyAdapter() {
                          public void service(GrizzlyRequest req, GrizzlyResponse
res) {
                              String uri = req.getRequestURI();
                               File file = new File("/Users/ramarama/html/test",uri);
                               long length = file.length();
                               if (file.exists()){
                                  FileInputStream fis = null;
                                          fis = new FileInputStream(file);
                                          long nWrite = 0;
                                      FileOutputBuffer fob = (FileOutputBuffer)
                                      while (nWrite < length) {
                                          nWrite += fob.sendFile(fis.getChannel(),
nWrite, length - nWrite);

                                  /* TWO
                                       byte b[] = new byte[8192];
                                      ByteChunk chunk = new ByteChunk();
                                      int rd=0;
                                      while (( > 0) {
                                          chunk.setBytes(b, 0, rd);
                                  } catch (IOException ex){
                                      res.setDetailMessage("Not Found");
                                  } finally {
                                      } catch (IOException ex){};
                              } else {
                                  res.setDetailMessage("Not Found");
                  ws.addGrizzlyAdapter(adapter, new String[]{"/"});
                  try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block