Re: [VOTE] Hubert Iwaniuk as a Grizzly HTTP & OSGi/Maven commiter

From: gustav trede <>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2009 17:48:16 +0100

2009/1/9 Jeanfrancois Arcand <>

> Hi,
> I would like to promote Hubert as an official commiter on Grizzly HTTP and
> OSGi/Maven. Hubert has helped a lot to fix the current OSGi issues we have
> observed and has deep knowledge/interest of maven, which I would like to
> build on and start offering artifact installation like described here:
> His blog/project can be read here:
> Hubert is also working on an http proxy based on Grizzly HTTP
> which is something this community has asked many many time. You can see his
> emails from the list here:
> [x] Yes
> [ ] No

your servant
 gustav trede
coding is art - not only something that  bring food on the table,
everybody should be able to feel proud about their code,
that they have performed their best considering the given conditions.