Re: exception performance in grizzly 2.0

From: gustav trede <>
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 14:56:50 +0100

i tested it in the cachetest.

new Exception() is roughly a factor 25 costlier then a new SelectionKeyOP.
that is with a short stacktrace, longer ones deep inside a running
appserver will be more expensive.

2009/1/31 Hubert Iwaniuk <>

> Do you know how much performance we can gain? Just curiouse. H
> -original message-
> Subject: exception performance in grizzly 2.0
> From: gustav trede <>
> Date: 31-01-2009 13:08
> hello,
> Its very expensive operation to throw a new exception ,due to the
> fillInStackTrace() (unless its overriden).
> for several usage cases it should be ok to use a static final exception
> instance that you can throw.
> example: FutureImpl<R>
> TimeoutException , CancellationException could be static final
> instances.
> Its sad that Throwable failure must be wrapped by an ExecutionException
> ,not much that can improved for that one unless override fillInStackTrace()
> is ok to do.
> I can make these kind of changes if you agree on it.
> --
> regards
> gustav trede
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 gustav trede