Hello Rama,
I am implementing SIP servlet container, like Sailfin, with Grizzly. So I am not sure
my case is as same as yours but I encountered the similar problem as yours.
Please check the issues
I hope these can help you.
> Hello :)
> I have something to report about grizzly http 1.9.4
> Fist of all, sorry for the poor information, but it's quite difficult
> to track the problem.
> I have configured a grizzlywebserver with many worker thread
> (changing the default stat pool minthread)
> this problem (i will describe it after this) happen with all the
> tested configuration (5,50,100 worker thread)
> When grizzly reach more than 60-70 concurrents users, it simply
> blocks for 30 seconds from time to time.
> I have profiled the code, to see what's up with threads (i have used
> jprofiler)
> what come out is that worker thread are "free" (waiting) most of time
> (even with 5 workers)
> while a thread called "grizzly selector"
> became green (running) for a while.
> In this timeframe, all the request are blocked.
> When grizzly selector (i don't have the correct name, i am afraid)
> come back to waiting,
> all the comunication restart suddently.
> There are some trick to avoid this problem?
> best regards
> Rama
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