>>> I mentioned this SSLContextFactory on the OpenJDK security mailing
>>> list a few months ago, but I haven't had much feedback. (I understand
>>> that they probably have other priorities, and this is not an
>>> emergency indeed.)
> I assume this is asking about initialization of the SSLContext, in which
> case, Brad (cc'ed) is the best person to ask. At this time I don't think
> there is anything planned.
Thanks for understanding about the priorities. I got pulled off several
priority projects in order to free up time to work on something more
important (not JCE/JSSE). It's easy to forget to update the lower
priority projects that things got bumped.
Andrew Fan is actually leading the JSSE effort now, so I'm cc'ing him.
> As regards NIO2 - not directly but the new AsynchronousSocketChannel is
> a lot easier to integrate with SSLEngine. I've been talking with the
> JProactor guys (Alex Libman and Yevgeny Libman) as SSL is one of the
> main use-cases that their filtering approach can be used to address.
> Here is a recent proposal from them:
> http://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/nio-dev/2009-January/000339.html
> They have an implementation in their repository aswell.
> -Alan.