Re: Build broken: make sure it it build on jdk 5

From: gustav trede <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 21:05:08 +0100

2009/1/15 Justin Lee <>

> Well, when are we expecting a 2.0 release? The closer to October it is,
> the more sense it makes to just do 2.0 with Java6. I'm not sure it makes
> sense to *not* use Java6 in any case.
i agree , but it seems many people in the real world still depends in 1.5.
But for glassfish v3 it should be ok since it requires 1.6.
I also dont know if 1.6 is as stable as 1.5 ?. perhaps it will be stable
enough in october.

your servant
 gustav trede
coding is art - not only something that  bring food on the table,
everybody should be able to feel proud about their code,
that they have performed their best considering the given conditions.