Re: Build broken: make sure it it build on jdk 5

From: Ken Cavanaugh <Ken.Cavanaugh_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2009 10:40:33 -0800

Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Salut,
> kedar mhaswade wrote:
>> JF,
>> Should we have a branch that builds with JDK 6 alone?
> I would keep JDK 5 as a base for building, and stick with the trunk.
> It would be difficult to maintain 2 branches IMO.
> What do you think
Please do not start a separate JDK 6 branch. That will only cause more
problems over time with maintaining two versions.
So long as Grizzly has customers on JDK 5, it must be build on JDK 5
(and this is exactly the sort
of thing I was concerned about in this area at yesterday's meeting).

If we can move fully to JDK 6, that would be fine too, but I suspect we
have Grizzly users for whom it's too soon to do that.

If absolutely necessary (e.g. because LTQ vs. CTQ performance is
compelling enough at a system level), we should
have a small library for this with a JDK 5 API that has versions for JDK
5 and JDK 6, but that is probably more trouble
than it's worth to set up.
