Thanks John ;)
> Jacob Kessler wrote:
>> This was an improvement to GlassFish's RubyObjectPool that
>> Jeanfrancois Arcand mentioned the Grizzly community might be
>> interested in integrating directly into Grizzly. It is a pool
>> object that will support arbitrary object types and will resize
>> itself based on load to avoid long service times or excessive idle
>> pool objects.
> So far that looks good.
>> The original goal for this code was to allow GlassFish to quickly
>> support many scripting languages using the same underlying pooling
>> logic, to increase the speed at which new languages could be added
>> and reduce the maintenance required.
>> Some caveats:
>> 1) The code tries hard to be thread-safe, but I'm not experienced
>> enough with multithreaded programming to prove that it is. Just
>> something to be aware of and/or test for.
> We will review it.
>> 2) The trimming (and growing) behavior is triggered through objects
>> being returned or borrowed from the pool, so a pool experiencing
>> zero load will not shrink. This was a simplifying assumption made
>> when it was only pooling runtimes, so it may require some small
>> amount of modification if it is to be used for something that isn't
>> constantly under some small amount of load.
> Ken/Alexey/John, any chance you can take a look? I would think
> adding the class under http-util (we need to rename the module one
> day) could be a great addition.
We can also think about putting this to the framework...
In this case we may want to use Controller.logger instead of
Also, can we avoid mention Grizzly ARP inside of DynamicPool? Can we
use just term "asynchronous" or similar? It will help DynamicPool to
look more common, not just HTTP specific.
> Maybe we should discuss it during our next phone meeting?
Definitely +1.
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
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