Re: Issue 246

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 10:28:35 +0200


sounds very interesting.
Jacob, can you pls. point me to the pool source code?

Thank you.


On Sep 9, 2008, at 0:09 , Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:

> Salut,
> Jacob Kessler wrote:
>> This was an improvement to GlassFish's RubyObjectPool that
>> Jeanfrancois Arcand mentioned the Grizzly community might be
>> interested in integrating directly into Grizzly. It is a pool
>> object that will support arbitrary object types and will resize
>> itself based on load to avoid long service times or excessive idle
>> pool objects.
> So far that looks good.
>> The original goal for this code was to allow GlassFish to quickly
>> support many scripting languages using the same underlying pooling
>> logic, to increase the speed at which new languages could be added
>> and reduce the maintenance required.
>> Some caveats:
>> 1) The code tries hard to be thread-safe, but I'm not experienced
>> enough with multithreaded programming to prove that it is. Just
>> something to be aware of and/or test for.
> We will review it.
>> 2) The trimming (and growing) behavior is triggered through objects
>> being returned or borrowed from the pool, so a pool experiencing
>> zero load will not shrink. This was a simplifying assumption made
>> when it was only pooling runtimes, so it may require some small
>> amount of modification if it is to be used for something that isn't
>> constantly under some small amount of load.
> Ken/Alexey/John, any chance you can take a look? I would think
> adding the class under http-util (we need to rename the module one
> day) could be a great addition.
> Maybe we should discuss it during our next phone meeting?
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
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