On 06/13/2008 11:54 AM, Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Salut,
> hope you are doing well (saw you mail on mina list).
> Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
>> Not exactly... Sorry for the bad first analysis !
> Actually is it quite close to NIO.2 (almost a copy....)...Now JBoss has
> 2 NIO frameworks: Netty and that one...
> -- Jeanfrancois
You are both incorrect :-)
XNIO is not an NIO framework; it is an NIO *replacement*, designed to
eliminate the "bad stuff" in NIO like Selectors but keep the "good stuff"
like Channels, without imposing significant additional overhead. The
default implementation uses NIO.1 under the covers, but an APR-based
provider is in the works. There are other good features as well, but I
won't pollute the Grizzly list with advertisements for my own project (too
I won't go into the differences between Netty and XNIO, but suffice to say
that Netty is not an "NIO framework" either; rather it's a codec framework,
which uses NIO (or alternately, XNIO) as a lower transport layer.
Hope this clarifies things. I'm always willing to answer questions -
contact me at the above email address or in the #jboss or ##java channel on